Saturday, June 18, 2011

Religious Tolerance at its Finest

So this poor guy was forcibly impeded from his basic human freedom of choice.

We can only learn so much from an article, but it doesn't appear that he was proselytizing, or challenging the old ways. He simply wanted to explore his own roots like any curious adult might. He built something with his own time and money for his own personal use and the bigots banded together to tear it down.

Why? Because they believed it was satanic.

Nevermind that "Satanic" has no real meaning. It's not like it had horns and was called the "Satan Invitation Location". These ignorant morons think that it's evil because some missionaries told them it was evil. The missionaries think it's evil because someone told them.

"I fucking love sweat lodges!"

In spite of the fact that there is no such thing as witchcraft or magic these people formed a mob and destroyed and restricted the efforts of another human being for fear of them. All in the name of Christianity.

Faith is of no value to knowledge and is extremely pertinent to ignorance. Why do we tolerate such an intolerant, illogical basis for decision making? Why is faith-based reasoning not laughed out of courts and strictly punished when it crosses these lines? Why must we continue to walk on eggshells around people who are too stupid to challenge their own idiotic beliefs?

Why does reason not rule and are we getting closer or further from it?

I feel it's best to resist the vocal ignorance when we come across it, we ought not accommodate their stupidity. We should stand firm and make ourselves immovable objects that they must be forced to contend with. You can keep your stupidity corralled up in your own house, but do not even think it will be accepted in mine. Truth must be held over superstition. Feelings are not as important as reality and people must come to terms with it eventually whether they like it or not. I would even go so far as to say that crimes committed in the name of religion ought to be deemed hate crimes and punished as such. If the group of vandals were white while the owner of the sweat lodge was black, this would be a different matter. If he were making a gay demonstration and they responded equally, it would be a big deal as well. So why must religious differences be treated so lightly in the eyes of the public. This should just as unacceptable as any other form of intolerance.

Yes, we should be intolerant of intolerance.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Atheist Bingo

See this Atheist Bingo Card that by simply listing them, pokes fun at the questions we often receive right off the bat.

Some of these are quite comical and of course, all of them have an answer. Here are some of the more common ones, in my experience:

You can't prove there's no God: More importantly, you can't prove there is one. You can't disprove Zeus, Invisible Pink Unicorns or that the universe didn't begin 5 seconds ago with the appearance of age. Nobody can prove a negative, but that doesn't mean the assertion is therefore verified. Idiot.

You are so closed-minded: Ironically, it's my open mind that got me this far. Not accepting certain blind faith assertions because they aren't convincing is not being closed minded, it's limiting the amount of nonsense you use to make decisions. The ideal amount of nonsense is zero. Being convinced of a certain point of view and remaining so in spite of your poorly reasoned logical slow pitch lobs is not the same as being closed, merely I'm already past your tired point of view and you can't see past it. Moron.

Where do you get your morals?: I get them from the society like you do. We don't have to consciously vote on morality to determine what we will and will not tolerate. Some would say Homosexuality is immoral, but this view is quickly shifting. When it gains popular acceptance on a larger scale, will everyone be wrong in calling it moral? By what testable standard? (hint: the bible doesn't count. Gays have been around a bit longer) Murder, we can agree, is immoral. I wouldn't want to be murdered and I wouldn't want others to be murdered. I support this as a good place to draw the line between good and bad. I don't use the Bible as a basis and i certainly don't claim an unobservable being created them secretly and waited 4.6 billion years to share them with us. We can see that killing is harmful to a peaceful society, so the morals themselves have evolved. In the Old West, you might have been able to kill more often than today. Morals change with the times. No need for God. Turd.

Hitler/Stalin/Pol Pot was an atheist too, you know?: Aside from the fact that Hitler was a Christian, Stalin and Pol Pot were atheists. But they were never committing atrocities in the NAME of atheism. Religions of all kinds have done far worse in the name of their God than anyone has done in the name of Atheism. Being a thing doesn't mean your actions are driven by that thing. Jackass.

There are no atheists in foxholes: Aside from this being demonstrably untrue, do you really think that belief is valid when it's only motivated by mortal fear? Do you hold your own decisions dear when they are made under duress? Surely people seek comfort in hard times and may trade rational thoughts for irrational ones. Does that make these irrational thoughts suddenly true? Of course not. Don't be silly. Nuts!

Nothing but emotional arguments or logical fallacies. It's amazing to me that so many people continue to believe, though I guess I was on the other side once as well.

Do you have any others you'd like to rebut?

Friday, June 10, 2011

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Islam is the Light

This is a fun video. That proselytizing baby is just some damn precious, I can feel myself being swayed already. I've already given up pork.

It's fascinating how much attention this thing is getting. It's a doll with a religious message. They make a big deal about how the game is marked as "E for Everyone" and should be safe for all ages. It's licensed by Nintendo, so allowing it in there means they are promoting Islam, and as we all know, there is nothing more dangerous than exposing children to the dangerous ideas of dogmatic theology before they reach the appropriate critical thinking age....

I actually find this news report quite irritating. They have taken no steps to verify that this is what the doll is actually saying, they're is no voice analysis, no expert opinion, not even any second opinion for christ's sake. They just throw it up like its fact. And you know what, it does sound like she's saying that when you're told ahead of time.

This is obviously a classic case of pareidolia. It's the same logic used in Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) or seeing the famous face on Mars, or the man in the moon. We connect the dots ourselves, we make the connection, we look for order where there is none.

It certainly could be saying "Islam is the light" but it could also just be fucking baby talk. You can be sure that if it was saying "Jesus is the light" there would be no news story because for some reason it's not longer age inappropriate when it's your own particular brand of lunacy.